Monday, March 17, 2008

Eyes never leave the ball, on contact. (Explaining early preparation. Video #2)


Anonymous said...

make sure when you take tennis lessons that the coach has a permit with the City of San Francisco posted on the courts and on his/her person. without it, your coach is a PIRATE COACH, and you and he/she can get fined for violation of park and recreation regulations. your coach should know how to get a permit and that he/she needs one. If they dont go to the city's website. Refuse to accept coaching from someone without a permit. Theyre inexpensive, and would you really want to learn a sport from a person who teaches illegally?

McClain said...

I understand completly about the permit issue, well I teach outat golden gate and webster in san francisco, and I have a legal permit that I pay for every month to teach there and its always on me, so please come be apart of the Mcclain Tennis Academy of happy clients. Lets play some tennis. :)

McClain said...

This is in response to the permit issue, many years ago $500.00 a month is what park and rec charged for a permit, so I could not afford that, but I teach at a wonderful location now Ella hill hutch community center, on (golden gate and webster) actual address is 1050 macallister, I do have a permit to teach there, the price s $325.00 a month something I can afford, so please come be apart of the Mcclain Tennis Academy of happy clients, lets play some tennis guys :)